Can you Help?

W.E. Johns' Biggles books have been in publication on and off since 1932 and detailed publishing records of up to 80 years old aren't easy to come by. This site attempts to compile and index the Biggles books published in Britain in those years since 1932. It's possibly not 100% complete and inaccuracies may arise as new data comes to light. If you have any information about pubications that aren't shown on this site, or have a copy of a title which clearly isn't represented here, it would be great to hear about it.

If you have a title or variant we aren't showing on the site, drop me an email and let me know. If you have access to a scanner or digital camera and are willing to subject your book to them, images would be very greatfully received (this also applies if you have an imprint of a book already listed but in better condition than the existing images portray). Images / scans do not need to be particularly high res but around the 1000 pixels along shortest axis are prefered as they can be resized to suit. Pictures of the complete dustjacket, spine, front cloth (if printed or embossed), copyright page, frontispiece (if present), flyleaf (if illustrated) or the wraps of a paperback are all desirable. Credit will be attributed to your scans if you desire.

The information on this site is the result of a lot of hard work and research by a number of individuals and would not be possible without their help and generosity.

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