The Books » Spitfire Parade

Spitfire Parade

Spitfire Parade
Subtitle Biggles at War
PublishedAug-41 - Oxford University Press [H/B]
Reprints Oxford University Press
Scottie Books
Brockhampton Press
22 Images Online
  • Currently 1.21/5
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Biggles becomes the Squadron Leader of 666 Squadron, a bunch of misfits gathered from all over the world. These stories are rewritten from Biggles in France to fit in World War II, plus 'Bertie Picks the Lock' originally 'Biggles' Exciting Night from the 1937 Modern Boy's Annual.

goodreads summary

Biggles se stává velitelem letky stihačů, kteří jsou vynikajícími piloty, ale na zemi se chovají velmi výstředně.

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