The Books » The Cruise of the Condor

The Cruise of the Condor

The Cruise of the Condor
Subtitle A "Biggles" Story
PublishedAug 1933 - John Hamilton Ltd - Ace Series [H/B]
Reprints John Hamilton Ltd - Ace Series
Boys' Friend Library
Modern Library
Regent Classics
Kingston Library
Juvenile Productions
Dean & Son
Deans International Publishing
Red Fox
15 Images Online
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Biggles and Algy meet up with Biggles' uncle Dickpa, and embark on a hunt for Inca treasure in the jungles of South America. They fend off Americans, Indians, ants and an earthquake before a crash and rescue in Bolivia.

goodreads summary

A visit to Biggles' uncle, Dickpa, lands Biggles, Algy and mechanic Smyth in a dangerous adventure looking for an ancient Inca treasure hoard.

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